Hello everyone! Good day to you all. It is Winter Bible study- on Zoom with Kingdom Lane Ministry. Starting Sunday November 10th @ 2pm. register by email, kdlministry3@yahoo.com Welcome! If you love the words of God, and want to learn, and share, this is an invitation from Kingdom lane ministry. Zoom Audio Conference meeting, and Bible study. We will send you the information you need to join in the Bible study. It is wonderful to have a very good, and real Bible study, and thank God for the blessing of technology that the words of God can be preach, and studied on line. We look forward to hearing from you, and be bless together by the Holy Spirit who is the Administrator of everything concerning God here on earth. Bible study with us is joyful, and rewarding. even if you don't get to, go to a church building, it does not mean that you cannot give your heart to Jesus, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide the spirit person in you, or you will not be able to go to Heaven. God sees every ones heart, wherever we are, even those that are in church every Sunday but in their heart, they are not real with God, John 4:24, that is why Jesus spoke about is return, and the separation of the sheep, and the goats in Matthew 25:31-46. There are no form of human intelligence on our planet earth, that is located in the Milky Way Galaxy that can use phycology on God, if our heart is not in what each of us do or say, God knows what we are thinking even before we speak. That is why we have to be real with, and before our Creator. We have to humble ourselves before him, and serve Him in spirit, and truth, John 4:24. Everyone that register need to have a Bible, if you need one, please click on the book page ,and you can order a Bible which won't take long for you to receive. May God continue to bless you and your family in Jesus Name, AMEN. =PS, when you registered, we will assign you a KDL number, so in the Bible study everyone will be identify by their number to keep privacy first. |