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Loving God's inspired Holy words - kdlA3 
When you love someone or something, it is reasonable to feel the need to be around that person or thing that could be your car, and even like to have fun enjoyment time. Christians love God and cherish the Holy inspired words of God compiled for us in the Bible, and in this segment, we encourage all who join us on this website to take the time to have a little fun time challenging yourselves with your own Bible knowledge. Each question will accumulate different amounts of positive points. Get to a hundred points and feel good within yourself. The first ten people 100 points we get will receive gifts accordingly. TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOREVER.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, please, let us continue to pray that God Holy Spirit will help us continue to stay in our Heavenly Kingdom Lane of righteous living, while enjoying the many blessings of our creator God in these troublesome times, in the mighty name of Jesus. Please email your answers to:
(1) What was the name of the isle that John was sent to?  10 points. 
(2) What was the name of Jesus's mother, Mary's pregnant cousin whom she visited?  5 points. 
(3) What was the name of Adam and Eve third son?  10 points. 
(4) How old was Enos when he begat Cainan?  15 points. 
(5) How many days did Melzar give three Hebrews boys pulse to eat and water to drink? 10 points 
(6) On which day of creation did God made the mango, and orange tree?  5 points 
(7) What was the name of Elimelech wife that had two sons? 15 points 
(8) Which prophet said, The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me?  10 points 
(9) What was the name of John the Baptist father?  10 points 
(10) And when the day of _________ was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, in the_________ room  10 points 
Again please email your answers to,  Please enjoy your Bible browsing. Study to show yourself approved unto God 2 Timothy 2:15