*Life Problems Encouragement Help*
Every humans born on this planet Earth, and are still living in these last, and evil days is dealing, and experiencing some kind of situation. Everyone problems are not the same, and everyone does not deal, and handle stress in the same way. What is true, is, it is very good to talk to someone else, when the situations are becoming a little overwhelming, to get a lending ears, to get a word of encouragement.
It could be even be just about your own spiritual growth, and trying to overcome something you are struggling with. Life as they say, comes at us in so many different ways, but God design us to help one another, pray for, and encourage one another. Every Christian, should have the mindset to want to help some one else. God still hear, and answer the prayers of the righteous. Not all prayers end up at the same place, because some people can say a lot with their eloquent speech, but there hearts is miles away from the words they are uttering that sometimes sounds very good.
Kingdom Lane Ministry, with your humble servant, Elder G. who has been preaching, teaching, and encouraging people for over fifty years as a minister of the Gospel. I love to encourage people in every aspect of life in the best way that I can with the help, and guidance of the Holy Spirit. being blessed by the Heavenly Father to live, and is now on the north side of seventy years old, I have seen, witness, and experience, a lot of things even in my own life, but its not over, until God say so. Thank you Heavenly Father.
Please, if you feel the need to get some encouragement on any topic, we deal with each person individually, no one else will ever knows of any one else discussion. Privacy, is very important to us, sometimes people cannot go to family members, friends, or even their Pastors in their church, please let us listen, and share some Bible base encouragement with you, before any stress might affect your health.
Please email, just your first name, and a explanation of the situation you are experiencing to, kdlministry3@yahoo.com   Rest assure, that only Elder G. reads these mails, and will respond to you with email, depending on the matter, telephone conversation will be your choice depending on how comfortable you might feel. Kingdom Lane Ministry is about God's business, and helping everyone that we can to stay in the Kingdom lane that will lead to the Heavenly Kingdom. 
*If you need us, we are here to help if we can*.