( A Thankful Heart to God, Help to Avoid Stress )
To God be the glory for all that He has done, and all His many blessings upon us all. Of all the many life forms on this planet Earth, our Awesome Creator has blessed humans with the highest, greatest, and vast intelligence above all other creatures, that is why we are above, and are able to control with respect many of the other creatures. Think of the very big elephants, the fast horses, and so many other animals that humans find a way to worked with in many arenas. Our Awesome, and ever loving Creator in his Earthly design, purpose that his humans creation should have an opportunity to choose, and so He blessed us all with the freedom of choice, which not all humans used it for the good of themselves and others.
As a creative genius God design the Earth to function in a way that we would not operate like a robot in only having one input, but established a system of differences in that every creatures can choose to eat what they like, even the cats, and dogs don't like certain food you might spend your money on. The baby will push unlike food unto the floor because he or she does not like the taste, and the grown up can choose which chicken style cooking they want to eat among so many other choices of food, choose what career we want to establish, or who we want to marry, or which church we want to worship in. 
Everyone does not see the amount of liquid in the bottle the same way, one person might see it as half empty, while another sees it as half full. The way in which we see and appreciate things can make us laugh, or make us sad. The feelings concerning the bottle illustration of seeing it in two different way is the God given rights of all of us in our freedom of choice. It is however a fact that the person who sees the half fullness of the content tends to be more thankful than the other who sees it as half empty. No matter what the condition of our life is, or as many problems, situations, and pain we have to endure on this planet, there is always a good reason, if we reconsider our thoughts to give thanks to God, because the bottom line is, everything will not always be good or bad, and the good, and bad phenomena exits together in the same space, where there is one the other is there as well. Positive, and Negative.
The opportunity to choose is a creation built in process, that was in the design of God's Earth even before He made the first man, and woman out of the dust of the ground, and blow the breath of life, or the special oxygen into their nostril to start the heart pumping, and all the other bodily function to start operating, and when that special God given substance leave the body, it will not be able to function, and is known as death. Choice process design is describe in Genesis, the first book of the Bible as a tree that was planted along with all the other fruit trees, grass, and herbs on the third day of creation, and was known as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, planted in the middle of the garden. Adam was warn concerning this tree of what it was capable of and he told it to his wife Eve, choice was exercise, and lead us to the understanding that we can choose to do what is right or choose to do wrong. 
Jesus in all is Heavenly wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, volunteer to leave His Heavenly throne beside His Father to come down here to Earth to redeem us, and help us to get back in the grace of God because of the first two humans disobedience, and so Jesus so eloquently give us a grand understanding concerning our freedom of choice, in His statement of the two way of life. Jesus describes the choices between two roads that is before all humans, the narrow road which lead to Gods Kingdom with the promise of everlasting life, and the broad road that leads to destruction, either one can be taken but not to the same place at the end of the day. Jesus said that only few finds the narrow road, but as we also know there are the majority on the broad road where all the sinful excitements, unrighteousness, and evil operation are taken place.  
The evidence is clear that a righteous life style living encourage people to be more thankful to God for even waken up in the mornings to see another day, and always find the good in everything no matter how uncomfortable a situation might be, while there is less thanksgiving on the side of unrighteousness. The Serenity prayer is not just for a special group, everyone can benefit from the concept of the prayer which stated, " God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference". 
The more we give thanks to God for His blessings on our lives, the less stress we will have,  not too much worrying about what is not in our control to do, and always striving to do the best that we can for ourselves, and family. Kingdom lane ministry is inspired to encourage everyone that we can to be careful of choices, and the road that our choices put us on. We are encouraging people worldwide to seek happiness, joy, gladness, good health, and always give God, the thanks, glory, and honor that He deserved. God is still in the blessing business, and it is true that as long as there is life, situation can change in the blink of an eye, because hope for a better day or a better life is always with all humans. ( KEEP HOPE ALIVE )
Every humans on this planet Earth is dealing with some type of situation, in view of financial position, the rich person is dealing with his or her humanity as the poor or the many in between. I heard it was said when I was young, that if life were something that money could buy, the rich would live, and the poor would die, but it is very evident to me now that we all die, with lots of money or without. We are living in very troublesome times, and there is the need for all of us to pray for one another. help as many as we can if we are in a position to do so. And when we sometimes think that our problems are overwhelming, just look around or think of so many others that wish they were wearing our shoes. 
I am encouraging everyone to give thanks always to God for His blessings on your life, for bringing you thus far wherever you are in life, while so many others even better off than you did not make it. Continue to pray for the courage to change the things that you can, and the serenity to accept the things that you cannot change in your life. Our God is a enormous provider, and God is not partial, the rain falls on everyone, so is God's blessings. Always just endeavor to do the best that you can, God bless our efforts. Try as hard as you can to avoid stress, please exercise faith in God, just don't sit and fold your hands, DO SOMETHING. PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO PRAY. GOD IS STILL ANSWERING PRAYERS, AMEN.
= Please never forget, and always remember that, what ever you sow, that you shall reap. What goes around will always come back around in your direction. Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you. Help the weak if you are strong. It is better to be on the side of giving that to be on the side of getting. God loves us all, amen.