We are encouraging more Bible reading,
through questions, and answers.
Please email your answers for this quiz,
kdlA4 by assign numbers,
and your name to kdlministry3@yahoo.com
(1)  The name Jehovah, refers to, (Holy Spirit) (Jesus) (God the Father) (Angels)
(2)  What is the name of Jesus mother? (Joan) (Elizabeth) (Mary) (Jean)
(3)  How many Hebrew boys were thrown in the fire? (5) (8) (3) (9)
(4)  After the creation, God rested on which day? (4) (8) (6) (7)
(5) In the church community, the Pastor is above the Bishop, (true) or (false)
(6)  Jesus died to save the Jewish people only, (true) or (false)
(7)  Can someone speak to God without opening their mouth, (I don't know) (no) (yes)
(8)  Can someone be a Christian without being baptize? (maybe) (no) (yes) (don't know)
(9)  Can saved people go to Heaven just as they are in the flesh? (yes) (no) (maybe)
(10) Is reading the Bible a source of spiritual food that we need? (don't know) (no) (yes)
(11) What was the name of Jesus stepfather? (Samuel) (Jacob) (Paul) (Joseph)
(12) Does everybody in the world goes to Heaven when they die? (yes) (don't know) (no)